3 Titles tagged with "17th century"
  1. The Belgick, or Netherlandish hesperides :that is, the management, ordering, and use of the limon and orange trees, fitted to the nature and climate of the Netherlands /by S. Commelyn ; made English by G.V.N.
    Publication Info: London :Printed for J. Holford, Bookseller, ... to be sold by Langley Curtis,1683.
    Tags: 1676  17th century  Citrus fruits  Copper engraving  Fruit-culture  Graphic media :  Netherlands  Uncolored  
  2. Hortus Indicus Malabaricus :continens regni Malabarici apud Indos cereberrimi onmis generis plantas rariores, Latinas, Malabaricis, Arabicis, Brachmanum charactareibus hominibusque expressas ... /adornatus per Henricum van Rheede, van Draakenstein, ... et Johannem Casearium ... ; notis adauxit, & commentariis illustravit Arnoldus Syen ...
    Publication Info: Amstelaedami :sumptibus Johannis van Someren, et Joannis van Dyck,1678-1703.
    Tags: 1637?-1691  1678  17th century  Botany  Copper engraving  Graphic media:  History  India  Malabar Coast  Malabar Coast (India)  Pictorial works  Plants  Portraits  Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van,  Uncolored  
  3. Nederlantze hesperides : dat is, Oeffening en gebruik van de limoen- en oranje-boomen : gestelt na den aardt, en climaat der Nederlanden /met kopere platen verçiert, door J. Commelyn.
    Publication Info: Amsterdam :by Marcus Doornik, Boek-verkooper op den Vygen-dam,1676.
    Tags: 1676  17th century  Citrus fruits  Copper engraving  Fruit-culture  Graphic media :  Netherlands  Uncolored