7 Titles tagged with "Shrubs"
  1. Afbeeldingen der fraaiste, meest uitheemsche boomen en heesters :die tot versiering van Engelsche bosschen en tuinen, op onzen grond, kunnen geplant en gekweekt worden : benevens de beschrijving van derzelver kenmerken, voortkweeking, nuttigheden en andere bijzonderheden, ingericht om aan de liefhebbers van zodanige bosschen of tuinen de kennis van dezelve zo aangenaam als nuttig te maken /door J.C. Krauss.
    Publication Info: Amsterdam :J. Allart,1802.
    Tags: Pictorial works  Shrubs  Trees  
  2. Hortus Europae americanus, or, A collection of 85 curious trees and shrubs :the produce of North America, adapted to the climates and soils of Great-Britain, Ireland, and most parts of Europe, &c together with their blossoms, fruits and seeds, observations on their culture, growth, constitution and virtues, with directions how to collect, pack up and secure them in their passage /by Mark Catesby.
    Publication Info: London :Printed for J. Millan,1767.
    Tags: Early works to 1800  North America  Plants  Shrubs  Trees  Woody plants  
  3. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum.
    Publication Info: Cambridge, Mass. :Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University [etc.],1919-
    Tags: North America  Periodicals  Shrubs  Trees  
  4. Sylva telluriana :Mantis. synopt. : new genera and species of trees and shrubs of North America, and other regions of the earth : omitted or mistaken by the botanical authors and compilers, or not properly classified, now reduced by their natural affinities to the proper natural orders and tribes /By C.S. Rafinesque ; being a supplement to the Flora telluriana.
    Publication Info: Philadelphia : Printed for the author and publisher, 1838.
    Tags: North America  Shrubs  Trees  
  5. Traite des arbrisseaux et des arbustes cultives en France et en pleine terre /par M. Jaume Saint-Hilaire.
    Publication Info: Paris : chez l'auteur, 1825.
    Tags: Botany  France  Shrubs  Trees  
  6. Treatise on trees and shrubs grown in France and in the countryside /by M. Jaume Saint-Hilaire ; prefaced with a guide to growing trees and shrubs by M. Thouin.
    Publication Info: [2008]
    Tags: France  Plants  Shrubs  Trees  
  7. Trees and shrubs :illustrations of new or little known ligneous plants, prepared chiefly from material at the Arnold Arboreum of Harvard University /and edited by Charles Sprague Sargent.
    Publication Info: Boston :New York ;Houghton, Mifflin,1905-1913.
    Tags: Shrubs  Trees  Woody plants