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- B. and J. White.
- B. M.
- Bache, A. D.
- Bågenholm, Jacob.
- Bailey, J. F.
- Bailey, L. H.
- Baillon, H.
- Bailly, D.
- Baird, Spencer Fullerton,
- Baird, William F.,
- Baker, Charles Henry.
- Baker, Emund Gilbert,
- Baker, John Gilbert,
- Bale, J.
- Ballain, Godefroy,
- Balthasar Moretus.
- Balthasarem et Ioannem Moretos.
- Balthazarem Arnolletum.
- Bandelier, Adolph Francis Alphonse,
- Banks, Joseph,
- Barbaro, Ermolao,
- Barck, Harald,
- Barlow, J.
- Barnard, Frederick A. P.
- Barnas̆, Carl,
- Barnes, Charles Reid,
- Barnes, George William,
- Baron, Richard,
- Barraband, Jacques,
- Barrère, Pierre,
- Barroeta, Gregorio Corbalan,
- Bartholf, John H.
- Bartholin, Thomas,
- Bartholomew, A.C.
- Bartlett, Harley Harris,
- Bartlett, John Russell,
- Barton, E. H.
- Barton, William P. C.
- Bartram, John,
- Bartram, William,
- Bary, A. de
- Bastin, Edson S.
- Baston, L. B.
- Bateman, Jas.
- Batʻumis botanikuri bagi̇.
- Bauer, Cheryl R.
- Bauer, Ferdinand,
- Bauer, Franz Andreas,
- Bauer, M.
- Baugh, Edwin P.,
- Bauhin, Caspar,
- Bauhin, Hieronymus,
- Bauhin, Johann Caspar,
- Bauhin, Johann,
- Baum, Albert.
- Baumhauer, E. H. von
- Bavoux, V.
- Bay, J. Christian
- Bayerische botanische Gesellschaft, Regensburg.
- Bebb, M. S.
- Beccari, Odoardo,
- Beck, Charles,
- Beckwith, E. G.
- Beddome, R. H.
- Beechey, Frederick William,
- Beer, Georg Emanuel.
- Beer, Johann Georg,
- Behr, H. H.
- Beiping Jingsheng Sheng wu diao cha suo.
- Bejthe, Stephan.
- Belcher, Edward,
- Belgrano, Manuel J.
- Bell, William Abraham
- Bello, Bernardina.
- Belon, Pierre.
- Bendire, Charles,
- Benjamin White and Son.
- Bennett, James L.
- Bennett, Mrs. Charles H.
- Bentham, George,
- Bentham-Moxon Trust.
- Berg, Peter Ulrik.
- Berge, Ernst von,
- Bergens Museum.
- Berggren, Jonas.
- Bergius, Peter Jonas,
- Berlèse, Lorenzo,
- Bernays, Francis Jacob
- Bernuset, Delamolliere, Falque et soc.
- Berry, T.
- Bertolet, Robert Morris,
- Bertrand, Arthus.
- Bescherelle, Émile,
- Besemann, Christian Andreas,
- Besler, Basilius,
- Bessa, Pancrace,
- Bessey, Charles E.
- Bessin, R.
- Bick, James Theodorus.
- Bieler, Ambrosius Karl,
- Bigelow, Jacob,
- Bigelow, John M.
- Bik, Jannes Theodorus.
- Billiberg, Immanuel,
- Billot, C.
- Biological Society of Washington
- BirdLife International.
- Bischoff, Gottlieb Wilhelm,
- Bishop, James Nathaniel,
- Black, A. R.
- Blackwell, Elizabeth,
- Blaeu, P. & J.
- Blanco, Manuel,
- Blankinship, J. W.
- Blodget, Lorin,
- Bloemaert, Cornelis,
- Blon.
- Blume, C. L.
- Blume, Karl Ludwig,
- Blumenberg, Carl Fredrik.
- Boccone, Paolo,
- Bock, Hieronymus,
- Bock, Johann Carl.
- Böcker, Hugo Herman.
- Böcking, H. V.
- Bodin, Nils Gustaf.
- Boerhaave, Herman,
- Boerlage, Jacob Gijsbert,
- Bogner, Anton.
- Bois, D.
- Boissier, Edmond,
- Bojer, W.,
- Bolander, Henry N.
- Bolle, Carl August,
- Bombay Natural History Society.
- Bondt, Jakob de,
- Bonelli, Giorgio,
- Bonnet, Charles,
- Bonpland, Aimé,
- Boom, Brian M.
- Boom, Henrik & Dirk.
- Booth, John Cornelius,
- Boott, William,
- Borcht, Petrus van der,
- Bornet, Édouard,
- Borromée, ?,
- Bory de Saint-Vincent,
- Borzi, Antonino,
- Bosch, R. B. van den
- Bosscha, J.
- Bossi, Jac.
- Boston Society of Natural History
- Boswell, John T.
- Botanic Garden (University of Oxford)
- Botanical Research Institute of Texas.
- Botanical Survey of India
- Botanicheskiĭ institut im. V.L. Komarova.
- Botanicheskiĭ institut im. V.L. Komerova.
- Botanicheskiĭ sad (Yerevan (Armenian S.S.R.))
- Botanichnyĭ park (Askanii͡a-Nova, Ukraine)
- Botanische Staatssammlung München
- Botanischer Garten (Berlin, Germany)
- Botanischer Garten (Bremen, Germany)
- Botanischer Garten Darmstadt.
- Botanischer Gärten der Stadt Duisburg.
- Botanischer Garten Kassel.
- Both, Franz.
- Böttcher, Clothar.
- Bougainville, Hyancinthe Yves Philippe Potentien,
- Bouquet,
- Bouquet.
- Bowen, T.
- Bowie, James.
- Bracht, Felix,
- Bradbury & Evans.
- Bradbury, Henry Riley,
- Bradley, Richard,
- Brako, Lois
- Brako, Lois.
- Brandegee, Townshend Stith,
- Brandes, Gustav,
- Brandsten, Gustav Fredrik.
- Brandt, Wilhelm,
- Brandza, D.
- Branström, Pehr.
- Braun, Alexander
- Braun, Alexander,
- Braun, Johannes M.,
- Braun, Nicolaus,
- Bray, François Gabriel,
- Brazil.
- Brehm, L.
- Brendel, Frederick,
- Bretschneider, E.,
- Brewer, T. M.
- Brewer, William Henry,
- Bridel-Brideri, Samuel Elisée de,
- Briganti, Annibale,
- Briscoe, Thomas D.
- Bristol Naturalists' Society, Bristol, Eng.
- British Museum (Natural History).
- British Pteridological Society
- Britten, James,
- Britton, Nathaniel Lord,
- Broadhead, Garland C.
- Bromme, Traugott,
- Brongniart, Adolph q (Adolphe Théodore), d 1801-1876.
- Brongniart, Adolphe,
- Brook, Nathaniel.
- Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
- Brotherus, V. F.
- Brown, Addison,
- Brown, Alfred.
- Brown, Benjamin Boyer,
- Brown, John Croumbie.
- Brown, Robert,
- Browne, Patrick,
- Brückmann, Franz Ernst,
- Brugiere, J. G.
- Bruhin, Thomas A.
- Brunel, Adolphe.
- Bruner, John Clay
- Brunet, Ovide,
- Brunfels, Otto,
- Brunschwig, Hieronymus,
- Bubani, Pietro,
- Buchenau, Franz,
- Buchinger, Jean Daniel
- Buc'hoz, Pierre-Joseph,
- Buckley, S. B.
- Budd, J. L.
- Buek, H. W.
- Bulmer, W.
- Bulmer, William,
- Bunge, Alexander von,
- Burbidge, F. W.
- Burchard.
- Burdick, J. H.
- Burk, Issac,
- Burman, Johannes,
- Burt, E. A.
- Bury, Edward,
- Bush, Benjamin Franklin,
- Bush, Firm, Vinegrowers, Bushberg, Mo. (Bush & Son & Meissner)
- Bush, Isidor,
- Butler, G. D.