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- Sabbati, Constantino,
- Sabbati, Liberato,
- Sachs, Julius,
- Sagra, Ramón de la,
- Sahlin, Lars Eric.
- Saillant.
- Saint Paul-Illaire, Ulrich Maximilian von,
- Saint-Hilaire, Auguste de,
- Salberg, Carl Henrik.
- Saldanha da Gama, José de,
- Salick, Jan,
- Salisbury, R. A.
- Salmenius, Andreas Gustaf.
- Salmon, William,
- Salm-Reifferscheidt, Joseph,
- Salvin, Osbert,
- Sampaio, A. J. de
- Samuel Harding.
- Samuelem Luchtmans.
- San Diego Society of Natural History.
- Sande Lacoste, C. M. van der
- Sander, Enno,
- Sander, F.
- Sandler, Wilhelm.
- Sanford, J. A.
- Saporta, Gaston,
- Sargent, Charles Sprague,
- Sartwell, H. P.
- Sauerbeck, Friedrich Wilhelm.
- Saunders, W. Wilson
- Saurman, Benj. F.
- Savatier, Ludovic,
- Sayer, Robert.
- Scarborough, George,
- Schaffranek, A.
- Schalbaecher, Jos.
- Schatz, E.,
- Schatz, George E.,
- Scheele, Adolf,
- Scheer, Fred
- Scheffer, Rudolph H. C. C.
- Scheidl, Franz Anton v,
- Schelle, Ernst.
- Schellenberg, G.
- Scheus, Hermann,
- Scheutz, Nicolaus Johannes
- Schimper, Wilhelm-Philippe,
- Schinz, Hans,
- Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von
- Schlechter, Rudolf,
- Schliephacke, Karl.
- Schloss Belvedere (Vienna, Austria)
- Schloss Wilhelma (Stuttgart, Germany)
- Schmelz, Martin
- Schmidt, A.
- Schmidt, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm,
- Schmidt, Franz Wilibald,
- Schmidt, Moritz,
- Schneck, J.
- Schneevoogt, G. Voorhelm.
- Schneider, Camillo Karl,
- Schoell, Frédéric,
- Schöffer, Peter,
- Schöpf, Johann David,
- Schott, Arthur,
- Schott, H. W.
- Schotte, C. H.
- Schrader, Heinrich Adolph,
- Schreber, Johann Christian Daniel von.
- Schrenk, Jos.
- Schubert, Gotthilf Heinrich von,
- Schultes, J. H.
- Schultes, Joseph August,
- Schultes, Julius Hermann,
- Schultz, Carl Heinrich,
- Schultz, Friedrich Wilhelm,
- Schultze, Max,
- Schumann, Karl Moritz,
- Schur, Philipp Johann Ferdinand,
- Schwabe, Willmar.
- Schwacke, Wilhelm,
- Schwägrichen, Christian Friedrich,
- Schwegman, Hendrik ,
- Sclater, Philip Lutley,
- Scopoli, Giovanni Antonio,
- Scot, Michael,
- Scozzi, T.
- Seba, Albert,
- Sebastianum Henricpetri.
- Seebohm, Henry,
- Seeger, Moritz.
- Seemann, Berthold,
- Segerstadt, Fredrik,
- Seidel, J. E.
- Seitz, Franz
- Selangor State Museum.
- Sellier, François Noël,
- Sen, Binod Lall
- Sencke, Ferdinand,
- Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft.
- Senefelder, A.
- Senoner, Adolph,
- Serapion,
- Serval, Gustave.
- Sessé, Martin,
- Setterblad, Anders Erik,
- Seuter, Bartholomäus,
- Sève, Jacques Eustache de.
- Severyns, G.
- Shaffer, David H.,
- Sharp, William,
- Sharpe, Richard Bowdler,
- Shaw, Henry,
- Sherff, Earl Edward,
- Sheridan, Philip Henry,
- Shetler, Stanwyn G.
- Shinners, Lloyd Herbert,
- Short, Charles Wilkins,
- Shulʹkina, Tatʹi͡ana
- Shumard, B. F.
- Shury, D. N.
- Sibly, E.
- Sickeleers, Peeter van.
- Siebert, Selmar,
- Siebold, Philipp Franz von,
- Siedhof, Charles,
- Siler, A. L.
- Simpson, J. H.
- Sinclair, George,
- Sjöbeck, Carl Fredrik.
- Skinner, Francis,
- Skipper, Dora L.,
- Skog, Laurence E.
- Sloane, Hans,
- Slogett, H. C.,
- Small, John Kunkel,
- Smith, Charles E.
- Smith, Daniel
- Smith, Elisha.
- Smith, Erwin F.
- Smith, George
- Smith, James Edward,
- Smith, John Donnell,
- Smith, John,
- Smith, William R.
- Smithsonian Institution
- Smithsonian Institution.
- Smocovitis, Vassiliki Betty.
- Snelleman, Johannes François,
- Snow, Neil
- Snyder, John Francis,
- Sociedad Científica "Antonio Alzate"
- Sociedad Geográfica de Lima.
- SocieÌteÌ royale de botanique de Belgique
- Società adriatica di scienze naturali in Trieste.
- Società dei naturalisti di Napoli.
- Società italiana di scienze naturali
- Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica.
- Societatem typographycam.
- Société académique de l'arrondissement de Boulogne-Sur-Mer.
- Société botanique de France.
- Société Botanique de Genève.
- Société des sciences naturelles de Cherbourg.
- Société des sciences naturelles de Neuchâtel
- Société linnéenne de Bordeaux.
- Société linnéenne de Normandie.
- Société linnéenne de Paris.
- Société mycologique de France.
- Société nationale des sciences naturelles de Cherbourg.
- Société pour l'Echange des Plantes a Budapest, Hongrie.
- Société scientifique de Bruxelles.
- Society of Gardeners
- Söderberg, Christopher,
- Sodiro, Luís,
- Solander, Daniel Charles,
- Solomon, James Clinton,
- Someren, Abraham.
- Someren, Joannes van.
- Sonder, Otto Wilhelm,
- Sorauer, Paul,
- Sörling, Gustaf Erik.
- Soubeiran, J. Léon
- Soulard, Benj. A.
- Soulard, Mary,
- Southampton Botanic Gardens (Southampton, England)
- Southern California Horticultural Institute.
- Southern Methodist University.
- Soviet Union.
- Sowerby, Jac.
- Sowerby, James de Carle,
- Sowerby, James,
- Sowerby, John E.
- Spach, Edouard,
- Spaulding, Perley.
- Spencer, J. W.
- Spix, Johann Baptist von,
- Spratt, G.
- Sprengel, Anton,
- Sprengel, Christian Konrad,
- Sprengel, Kurt Polycarp Joachim,
- Spring, Anton Friedrich,
- Spring-Gardens (London)
- Spyck, Johannes van der.
- Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde in Stuttgart
- Stabler, E.
- Stalker C.
- Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust.
- Stansbury, Howard,
- Starck, F. E.
- Station experimentale botanique et agricole à Leopol.
- Staudinger, Otto,
- Stebbins, G. Ledyard
- Stelle, J. Parish
- Step, Edward,
- Stephani, Franz,
- Stephenson, A. G.
- Sterbeeck, Franciscus van,
- Sterling & Webster Abstract Co.
- Sternberg, Joachim.
- Steudel, Ernst Gottlieb,
- Stevens, H. H.
- Stevens, Isaac Ingalls,
- Stevens, Warren Douglas,
- Stiffler, Mary.
- Stinde, C. R.
- Stirton, C. H.
- Stockhouse, Robert E.
- Strauss, Antonii.
- Streater, John
- Střední zěmědelská škola Tábor.
- Strobel, Pellegrino,
- Ström, Gabriel Tobias,
- Struve, Jacob Bernhard,
- Stünzner, Kurt.
- Sturm, J. G.
- Sturm, Jakob,
- Sturm, Johann Wilhelm,
- Sturtevant, E. Lewis
- Sturtevant, Robert Swan.
- Suber, T. I.
- Suksdorf, Wilhelm,
- Sullivant, William Starling,
- Sulpke, C. G.
- Sunberg, Carl Magnus,
- Suomen Tiedeseura
- Süssenguth, Karl,
- Swallow, G. C.
- Swartz, Olof,
- Sweeny, Robert Ormsby,
- Sweet, Robert,
- Swezey, Goodwin D.
- Swift, Vallery A.
- Syen, Arnold,
- Syme, G.
- Symposium international sur les ombellifères
- Symposium on the Botany and Natural History of Panama
- Szabados, Clara N.,