Botanicus is a freely accessible portal to historic botanical literature from the Missouri Botanical Garden Library.
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- C. Plaat.
- Cabell, E. C.
- Cailliaud, Frédéric,
- California Arboretum Foundation
- California Arboretum Foundation,
- California Arboretum Foundation.
- Cambessèdes, J.
- Cambridge Botanic Garden.
- Camers, Joannes,
- Campbell, Albert H.
- Campbell, Marius Robinson,
- Campbell, Robert Allen.
- Camper, Petrus,
- Camus, E.-G.
- Canby, William Marriott,
- Candolle, Alphonse de,
- Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de,
- Candolle, C.
- Canfield, Colbert A.,
- Capieux, Johann Stephen,
- Carattoni, Gio.
- Carbonnier, J.
- Cárdenas S., Ma. Angeles.
- Cardot, Jules,
- Carey, John
- Carey, William,
- Carlander, Christopher,
- Carnegie Institute
- Carnegie Institution of Washington.
- Carnegie Museum.
- Carpenter, W. M.
- Carruthers, William,
- Carson, Joseph,
- Caruel, Teodoro,
- Cary, Thomas Greaves,
- Casaretto, Giovanni,
- Case, Francis M.
- Case, L. B.
- Casearius, Johannes,
- Caspary, Robert,
- Cassini, Alexandre Henri Gabriel de,
- Cassino, Samuel Edson,
- Catesby, Mark,
- Cathcart, John Fergusson,
- Cauwet-Marc, A.-M.
- Cels, Jacques Philippe Martin,
- Center for Western Studies (Flagstaff, Ariz.)
- Centre for Canadian Historical Horticultural Studies.
- Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France)
- Cesalpino, Andrea,
- Cesati, Vincenzo,
- Ceylon.
- Chailli, Jacques,
- Chailli, Jacques.
- Chamberet, Jean Baptist Joseph Ann César Tyrbas de,
- Chamberet, Jean Baptist Joseph Anne César Tyrbas de,
- Chambésy (Switzerland).
- Chamisso, Adelbert von,
- Chapman, A. W.
- Chapuis, Jean Baptiste.
- Charleston Botanic Society and Garden.
- Chaumeton, François Pierre,
- Chelsea Physic Garden.
- Chicago Horticultural Society.
- Chickering, J. W.
- Ching, Ren Chang.
- Chiovenda, Emilio,
- Chorlton, William.
- Christ, D.
- Christ, H.
- Christensen, Carl,
- Christiani de Launoy.
- Christoffel Plantyn.
- Christophe Ernest Brenck.
- Christophe Plantin.
- Christophori Plantini.
- Christophorum Riegelium.
- Christophorus Plantinus.
- City of Los Angeles Department of Arboreta and Botanic Gardens.
- Civico Orto Botanico di Trieste.
- Clapp, A.
- Clarke, Benjamin,
- Clarke, Charles Baron,
- Clarke, Henry L.
- Clary, R. E.
- Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information (U.S.)
- Cleveland, D.
- Clinton, George W.
- Clusius, Carolus,
- Clute, Willard Nelson,
- Coffin, J. H. C.
- Cogniaux, Alfred,
- Colen, J. H.
- Coles, William,
- Colin, Anthoine.
- Collet, Oscar W.
- Collet, T. A.
- Collier, G. H.
- Collin, Gabriel Daniel.
- Colonna, Fabio,
- Commelin, Caspar,
- Commelin, Johannes,
- Commons, A.
- Congdon, Joseph W.
- Congreso Latinoamericano de Botánica
- Conner, R.
- Conrad, T. A.
- Conrad. Uualdkirch.
- Conservatoire et jardins botaniques de Nancy.
- Constans, L.
- Conzatti, Cassiano,
- Cooke, Philip St. George,
- Cooley, Dennis,
- Cope, E. D.
- Copieux.
- Copus, Guilielmus,
- Corda, August Karl Joseph,
- Cordus, Euricius,
- Cordus, Valerius,
- Cornarius, Janus,
- Cornelium Haak.
- Cornwell, Giles H.,
- Correa, Mireya.
- Cosson, E.
- Cotta, J. G.
- Coues, Elliott,
- Coulter, John Merle,
- Coulter, M. S.
- Count d'Eprémesnil,
- Cousin, H.
- Cragg, Gordon M. L.
- Crapelet.
- Cratty, R. I.
- Crawshaw, Edmund.
- Crépin, François,
- Croat, Thomas B.
- Croke, Alexander,
- Crosby, Marshall R.
- Crum, Howard Alvin,
- Crusium, Siegfried Lebrecht.
- Cruz, Mário.
- Culpeper, Nicholas,
- Cunningham, Allan,
- Curtis, Charles M.
- Curtis, M. A.
- Curtis, William,
- Curtis's botanical magazine dedications, 1827-1927 : portraits and biographical notes.
- Curtiss, Allen Hiram,
- Cuvier, FreÌdeÌric Georges,