Botanicus is a freely accessible portal to historic botanical literature from the Missouri Botanical Garden Library.
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- R. P. D.,
- Raban,
- Radlkofer, L.
- Raffeneau-Delile, Alire,
- Rafinesque, C. S.
- Ramamoorthy, Thennilapuram Parasuramaiyer.
- Ransonnet-Villez, Eugen,
- Raphelengien, Franciscus,
- Raphelengien, Justus,
- Rattan, V.
- Rau, Eugene A.
- Raven, Peter H.
- Raven, Peter H.,
- Ravenel, Henry William,
- Raynolds, W. F.
- Rāzī, Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Zakarīyā,
- Rea, John,
- Real Academia de la Historia (Spain)
- Real Jardín Botánico (Spain)
- Reale accademia delle scienze di Torino.
- Rebuffet, L.,
- Redfield, John Howard,
- Redfield, W. C.
- Redouté, Henri Joseph.
- Redouté, Pierre Joseph,
- Reed, Annie M., fl. 1880.
- Reed, James R.,
- Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van,
- Rees, Abraham,
- Reeve Brothers.
- Reeve, Benham, and Reeve
- Regel, E.
- Regia Università di Napoli.
- Reichard, Johann Jakob,
- Reiche, Karl Friedrich,
- Reichenbach, H. G.
- Reichenbach, H. G. Ludwig
- Reid, Hugo.
- Reihlen, Adolf,
- Reinsch, Paul,
- Reissek, Siegfried,
- Reitt, W. N.
- Rémond, N.
- Rempala, Erin.
- Renauld, F.
- Rendle, A. B.
- Repton, Humphry,
- Retzdorff, W.
- Retzius, Anders Jåhan,
- Reverchon, J.
- Reynolds, E. C.
- Reynolds, Mary C.
- Rhees, Wm. J.
- Riba, Ramón.
- Richard and Arthur Taylor.
- Richard, Achille,
- Richardson, John M.,
- Richter, Karl,
- Riddell, John Leonard,
- Ridgway, James
- Ridgway, Robert,
- Ridgways.
- Ridinger, Johann Elias,
- Rijksherbarium (Netherlands)
- Riley, Charles V.
- Riley, Martha.
- Riocreux, Alfred,
- Ritter, Carl,
- Ritter, Karl.
- Robbins, J. W.
- Röber, J.
- Robert P. Smith.
- Roberts, Henry,
- Robins, C. E.
- Robinson, Benjamin Lincoln,
- Robinson, Harold Ernest,
- Robinson, John,
- Robinson, W.
- Rock, Joseph Francis Charles,
- Rodigas, Emile,
- Rodin, Robert J.
- Rodrigues, J. Barbosa
- Roeslin, Eucharius,
- Roetter, Paulus,
- Röhling, Johann Christoph,
- Rojas Gonzáles, Rocío Del Pilar.
- Rojas Gonzáles, Rocío.
- Römer, J. J.
- Roosevelt-Rondon Scientific Expedition
- Roscoe, William,
- Rose, Joseph Nelson,
- Roth, Albrecht Wilhelm,
- Roth, E.
- Roth, Georg,
- Rothrock, Joseph T.,
- Rottbøll, Christen Friis,
- Roubik, David W.
- Roudnice nad Labem (Czech Republic).
- Roulston, T'ai Honda.
- Roumegüre, Casimir,
- Roupell, Arabella,
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques,
- Rousselon, Libraire-Éditeur.
- Rousselon.
- Rowley, Gordon D.
- Roxburgh, William,
- Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
- Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta.
- Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh.
- Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
- Royal Botanical Gardens, Peradeniya.
- Royal Horticultural Society (Great Britain)
- Royal Society of New South Wales
- Royal Society of South Australia
- Royal Society of Tasmania.
- Royen, Adrianus van,
- Royle, J. Forbes
- Roze, Ernest,
- Rudas Lleras, Agustín
- Rudas Lleras, Agustín,
- Rudbeck, Olof,
- Rudkin, W. H.
- Ruel, Jean,
- Ruge, Georg,
- Ruiz, Hipólito,
- Rumpf, Georg Eberhard,
- Rümpler, Theodor,
- Rung, Johan Daniel,
- Rusby, Henry Hurd,
- Ruysch, Frederik,
- Rydberg, Per Axel,