Botanicus is a freely accessible portal to historic botanical literature from the Missouri Botanical Garden Library.
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- Pabst, G.
- Page, William Bridgewater,
- Paine, John A.
- Paleariniano.
- Palisot de Beauvois, Ambrose-Marie-François-Joseph,
- Pallas, Peter Simon,
- Palmengarten (Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
- Palmer, Edward,
- Palmgrén, Carl Gustaf.
- Palmii, Jo. Jacobi.
- Pamplin, G.
- Panckoucke, C. L. F.
- Panckoucke, Ernestine,
- Pando, Francisco.
- Paris, E. G.
- Parish, S. B.
- Parke, Davis & Company.
- Parker, Charles F.
- Parker, J. C.
- Parker, W. B.
- Parkinson, John,
- Parlatore, Filippo,
- Parry, C. C.
- Parry, Charles Christopher,
- Parry, E. R.
- Parsons, Samuel Bowne,
- Pasch, Konrad
- Patski, J. H.
- Patterson, Harry N.
- Paul Parey.
- Pauli Junchi.
- Paulizky, Heinrich Felix,
- Paulus,
- Pavón, José,
- Paxton, Joseph,
- Payen.
- Payne, H.
- Pázmány Péter Tudomanyegyetemi.
- Pazzani,
- Peabody Museum of Natural History.
- Pech, F.
- Peck, Charles H.
- Pena, Pierre,
- Penzig, O.
- Perak State Museum.
- Pérez-García, Blanca.
- Périaux, ?,
- Pernotin, B.
- Péron, Alphonse,
- Perrine, Henry,
- Perrottet, G. S.
- Perry, S. M. H.
- Persoon, C. H.
- Peter Parker.
- Peter Schoeffer.
- Peters, Wilhelm C. H.
- Peterson, Peter Magnus.
- Petit, Antoine,
- Petiver, James,
- Pewtress & Co.
- Pfeiffer, Ludwig Georg Karl,
- Pfenning, Johann Caspar.
- Pfersdorff, Charles,
- Pfitzer, Ernst,
- Phélypeaux, Louis,
- Philadelphia Botanical Club.
- Philip Miller.
- Philippi, Rodolfo Amando,
- Philippines.
- Phillipps, Evelyn March,
- Phillips, Oliver,
- Phoebus, Philipp,
- Phoenix, F. S.
- Picart
- Pichard.
- Picot de Lapeyrouse, Philippe,
- Pierre, L.
- Pieter van der Aa.
- Pike, Walter N.
- Pingré, Alexandre Guy,
- Pipping, Märta.
- Pirotam et Masperum.
- Pirotta, Romualdo,
- Piso, Willem,
- Planchon, J.-E.
- Planchon, Jules-Emile,
- Plantijnsche Drukkerij
- Plantin, Christophe,
- Plantiniana (Ex Officina)
- Pliny,
- Plotkin, Mark J.
- Plukenet, Leonard,
- Plumier, Charles,
- Plummer, Sara A.
- Poeppig, Eduard Friedrich,
- Pohl, Johann Emanuel,
- Poiret, A.,
- Poiret, Jean Louis Marie,
- Poiteau, A.
- Polet, C. B.
- Pomeroy, Mary Barnas,
- Pona, Giovanni,
- Ponman, Bruce E.
- Pool, J.
- Poot, Abraham van,
- Porter, Thomas C.
- Porter, Thomas Conrad,
- Poselger, H.
- Post, Thomas Erik von,
- Potier de la Varde, Robert,
- Pottier.
- Potts, John
- Poulsen, C. M.
- Power, Frederick B.
- Prain, D.
- Prang, Louis,
- Prantl, Karl,
- Preiss, Ludwig.
- PreÌvost, Florent.
- Presl, Karel Bořiwog,
- Presso di Giordano Ziletti.
- Prestele, Franz Joseph Ulrich.
- Prestele, Joseph,
- Prestele, Joseph.
- Presyl, J. D.
- Preussler, Joh. Dan.
- Priest, Robert,
- Prieto Cruz, Adriana,
- Pringle, Cyrus G.
- Pritzel, G. A.
- Probasco, Henry,
- Prosdocimi, G.
- Psilander, Fredrik Christopher,
- Puissant, P. A.
- Purkyně, Emanuel,
- Pursh, Frederick,
- Putnam, Charles E.
- Putnam, Joseph Duncan,
- Putnam, M. L. D.